Bungee Jumping is an activity that involves jumping from a tall structure which being connected to an elastic cord.

Bungee jumping involves leaping from a height connected to a large elastic rope (or cord), which is tied to the feet – or, more specifically, the ankles. This is as adrenaline- filled an activity as any dreamt up by man. And one that both young and old have delighted in, and thrilled in, over the last quarter-century or so. Bungee jumps usually take place from tall buildings, bridges or cranes – but they’ve also been attempted from moving objects (helicopters and hot-air balloons, for example). As the jumper free-falls from a height, the cord stretches; as the cord rebounds, the momentum takes the jumper upwards. This up-and-down trampoline-like movement continues until the elastic cord loses all its energy. Hurtling down from heights may seem terrifying but bungee jumping is a safe activity with a very good overall safety record – most bungee operations around the world are run by trained and experienced professionals, using the best, and the most reliable, equipment, and with the most stringent safety procedures in place. All you need is plenty of nervous energy – too much of it, and you might just back out!

Depending on the height jumped, and also the difficulty of the jump, each bungee operation would have different minimum requirements. Usually, the minimum age is 12 to 14 years (there is no maximum age – as long as you’re fit and healthy!); the minimum weight is around 35kg, and the maximum around 110kg.

As with any sport, there are safety procedures that are followed.

The Cord

While the basic equipment setup is that a cord is bound to your ankles and tied around your legs, wearing a full body covering safety harness can provide that extra bit of reassurance.

Checking Equipment

All equipment should be checked while putting it on, while waiting to jump and again on the jumping platform before the jump takes place.Examine the harness and make sure it is padded so it doesn't hurt your ankle or cause rope burn. The tie-off and base ropes should always be tied to a sturdy location, such as a bridge.

Cord Length

The length and elasticity of the cord is important. Make sure your height and weight have been measured and that the cord has been adjusted accordingly.

Bungee Jumping at Rishikesh

Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kzb8oCqAMT4


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